Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

May 11, 2011

Wine A-Z

Filed under: New Product,Playing with food,street food,Take Out,Wine — raincoaster @ 8:04 pm

The Wine Rack: Now THAT is what I call a Go Cup

That’s what I call a Go Cup. Heck, it might even make jogging tolerable.

Well, maybe it won’t boost your cup size all the way through the alphabet. Still, this handy-dandy little portable wine container will definitely bump you from an A to something farther down towards the Mittel-European consonantry. And yes, it’s called the Wine Rack. And no, I have no use for it myself, as I can already hide a 40-ouncer and a couple of highball glasses in my bra with room left over for garnishes.


  1. I think it definitely works with the “beer goggles” phenomenon. Early in the evening, the girl is appropriately large, but as the night wears on, to your distorted eyes, she probably gets bigger, not smaller. Such is the miracle of alcohol.

    Comment by Erik Nabler — May 11, 2011 @ 10:41 pm

  2. Handy for picnics!

    Comment by igirl99 — May 12, 2011 @ 8:26 pm

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