Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

May 14, 2012

Musical Interlude: Chasing Bars

Filed under: Bar,Beer,Listening to — raincoaster @ 10:34 am
DC Lugi

DC Lugi

Say hello to my old pal DC Lugi, otherwise known as the multitalented Dave Coyne the man who first brought to life the Bono/Samuel L. Jackson bromance. And the world rejoiced.

This is his take on Snow Patrol’s “Chasing Cars” and let’s just say the man is true to his Irish roots. Click over the jump for the lyrics, such as I can make them out. They are a little slurred…


April 21, 2012

Tea Time Rap

Filed under: English food,Listening to,Tea,Uncategorized — raincoaster @ 8:33 pm
Make Tea Not Love

Make Tea Not Love

T r srs bns.

Just ask Doc Brown, British rapper after our own heart. Rage is fundamental to rap, and this man connects to it in a powerful way, letting it out in a stream of impassioned poetry dedicated to that greatest of beverages: TEA, motherfucker!

Which reminds us of that great classic, the UK Narnia Rap with its great chorus.

By the way, Doc Brown’s rant about the milk in first deserves some explication. “Milk in first” is a coded class signifier, meaning downmarket, low-class, tacky. Where does this come from? Why, I’m glad you asked. It comes from the fact that in the old days, poor people couldn’t afford the freshest milk, and if you put milk-that-is-going-but-not-quite-sour-yet into a cup of hot liquid, what you get is cottage cheese floaties. If you put the same milk in an empty cup and add hot water, stirring the whole time, the milk does not curdle. Handy to know when you have a) some iffy milk and b) no witnesses.

And now, to conclude our lesson on the Greatest of Beverages for this afternoon, I present to you a little ditty that was presented to me on Twitter, in response to a cri de coer from moi upon sipping my first good cup of tea in AGES. Thanks, Blenz, for some really good English Breakfast and thanks to the author, whose name has been lost in the mists of time. If it’s you, @ me or comment, so I can give credit where credit is due.!/raincoaster/statuses/174392798408224768

June 15, 2011

Taste the Biscuit

Filed under: American Food,Listening to — raincoaster @ 1:15 am

Biscuits American Style

Biscuits American Style

UK style biscuits in Korean Art. No, really.
Which could mean anything, really. If you’re in the American South, it means one thing. If you’re in England, it means quite another. And of course, if you’re in fashion blogging it means that thing Lindsay Lohan and those starlets on Gossip Girl are always nearly revealing in their miniskirts.

But this group of rocking seniors (“I’M NOT HOMELESS!”) known as Toasters ‘n Moose want you to taste theirs. I defy you not to go directly to the food court after giving this a listen.

July 8, 2006

Summer avocations

In the inimitable manner of The Manolo, Mr. Henry feels obliged, almost compelled to share the following with all his gentle readers:

Mr. Henry is reading

Mr. Henry is listening to

Mr. Henry is watching

Mr. Henry is eating

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