Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

February 7, 2011

Black and White and …

Filed under: Coffee,Dessert,Food and Fashion,Food Porn — raincoaster @ 8:40 pm

Sometimes Monday needs nothing more than a super-cute little video from Kate Spade New York to remind us that delightful food is essential to a life lived in technicolour (but how many calories are in a rainbow?). And for your delightful, post-rainbowcake espresso, the Kate Spade Larabee Road demitasse set would put the sun back in the sky even in February, if only for a moment.
Kate Spade Larabee Road demitasse set


  1. I think the cake needs more icing.

    Comment by Little Red — February 8, 2011 @ 4:13 pm

  2. No, the icing is just enough. What I want to know is how it sparkled like you see in the vid. It’s more than a cake!

    Comment by Tina — February 9, 2011 @ 7:39 pm

  3. It’s made with unicorns!

    Canned Unicorn Meat

    Comment by raincoaster — February 10, 2011 @ 1:56 am

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