A guest post by intrepid reporter/photographer Leona Shanana, covering the launch of Voodoo Tiki Tequila at the Tiki-Fabulous Waldorf Hotel in Vangroover.
Snazzy! It was really impossible to get a clear shot of the coloured glass inside the bottle due to refraction. No, those are not waterlogged gummi bears in there; they are little tiki gods in technicolour.
These are 3 stages of aged tequila. The bartender was mixing with the Platinum Silver; the Reposado is aged 6 mos and the Anejo one year. Massey also had another bottle secreted away under the table that was top of the line stuff – only 1000 bottles made a year, most of which get snapped up by the American market. I must have chatted up the right guy (not pictured) because I got  a taste of it! The Voodoo Tiki guys’ main point seemed to be that we haven’t had access to really good tequila in Canada up til now, except for Patron which is so costly [ed. note: and Don Julio]. So this tequila is intended to fill the niche between Patron and tequilas that are fit only to be tossed back fast and chased with salt and lemon to cut the sicky feeling. This stuff is meant to be sipped, like good scotch.
The Green Dragon is exactly like a lime margarita with no ice and really scrumptious actually; and the Private Collection 1000 bottles a year stuff I would describe as smooth drinking, sweetish and slightly smoky flavour. Gentler than scotch and it barely even tasted like tequila as we know it. It was almost viscous.
Here’s the guy who was chopping the tops off coconuts. I am kicking myself for forgetting his name. The bar must have gone through 100 coconuts. The way they worked it was, when you came in, you received your lei, green tiki shotglass and an ounce of Green Dragon, which is a blend of tequila, mandarin and lime (like a margarita with no ice). Once you had drunk that you got a coconut, and then you brought the empty coconut back and Shaun would fill it with a Diablo.
The charming hostesses/coatcheck girls, Ashlee and Anastasia. Anastasia is holding one of the green tiki god shotglasses we all got to take home (don’t worry, I grabbed you one [thanks! can you ever have enough?]). Eventually, Voodoo Tiki will market minis in bottles that shape.
Shaun (sp?) the handsome bartender, mixing a Diablo. This is Silver tequila over ice, house ginger beer (chunky!) and cassis. Really yummy! and once the bar had heated up and everyone was getting drymouthed, he switched to pineapple juice instead of ginger beer. Refreshing!
Sometimes the morning after the night before begins before you’ve managed to get home. We feel your pain, Mark.
Cheers! A little mood music, anyone?
Nice blog post about our Voodoo Tiki Launch at the Waldorf, but I couldn’t help but comment on the last picture. In fact it was more the party planning/execution than the tequila that took a toll on me. ( Yes, not the best photo)
Ps. just for future reference making fun of the host is a sure fire way of not getting invited to the next party 😉 Just kidding…or am I?
Comment by Mark — March 22, 2011 @ 11:33 am
Awww, with all this lovely coverage and six facebook shares, how can you help but keep me on your list. Also, you should see ME after a tequila party!
Comment by raincoaster — March 22, 2011 @ 5:29 pm
for the record I did not write that stuff about your appearance in that last photo! I accept no responsibility! in fact, maybe it was my wonky camera flash that made your eyes do … that. in the flesh you did not look that wasted at all.
Comment by Leona — March 28, 2011 @ 3:19 am