Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

July 10, 2007

Summer scallops

Filed under: Fruit,Japanese Food,Mrs. Henry,Shellfish — Mr. Henry @ 11:17 am

knee-high.jpegOn the Fourth of July, the corn was not quite knee-high. Tomatoes were good but not magnificent, not yet the stand-alone dish they will become next month. Garden arugula was bright and not too sharp, happily reminiscent of Italian varietials. Peppers and onions came off the grill with flesh still meaty and toothsome.

Still, although Mr. Henry does not like to complain, the tastes of the weekend were beginning to be a bore. Meat grilled outdoors is all very fine but without a skillful marinade lacks both subtlety and complexity.

On a lazy Sunday morning at Paul’s country house, however, Mrs. Henry, ever the clever one when given a moment’s free time, created an appetizer of scallops that was the most exciting new taste of the summer. Completed in five minutes, it was beyond compare.

She brushed the broiling pan with olive oil and arranged a quart of sea scallops across its surface. In three minutes they were nicely browned yet still soft to the touch of a finger. [Don’t let them get rubbery. There is no need to cook them solidly throughout. So long as they are warm inside, you’ve done your job.]

She served them on top of a cool, fresh relish. To a peeled, seeded and diced tomato she added coarsely chopped cilantro leaf, the juice from half a lime, a pinch of salt and — now for the genius — one peeled and diced peach. The flowery aroma of peach married to its tangy tomato cousin created a subtly balanced liqueur, lighter than a wine sauce, which perfectly supported the scallop’s mild sweetness.


  1. (drools)

    Sea scallops are truly a delectable treat. It would never have occured to me to pair tomato and peach, but my mouth is watering at the thought now that it’s been presented to me.

    Comment by Twistie — July 12, 2007 @ 12:25 pm

  2. Sounds delicious—minus the cilantro. I hate that stuff. When I taste it I feel like I’m slowly being poisoned…

    Comment by la petite chou chou — July 12, 2007 @ 11:54 pm

  3. an inspired combo. must try it! kudos to mrs henry…

    Comment by lorraine — July 16, 2007 @ 10:01 am

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