Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

June 24, 2013

Salmon in Salt Crust: it’s what’s for dinner

Filed under: Champagne,Dinner Party,Fish — raincoaster @ 1:08 am

Salt baked salmon

Salt baked salmon

Hat’s off to my friend Azahar at Sevilla Tapas for this great-looking and easy recipe which I will be experimenting with tonight. If that fails, there’s a takeaway roti shop down the street, right?

Naturally, not being as rich as Nigella, I won’t be cooking with Champagne, but I might use a toasty cava if I can find one dry enough. A prosecco might be a better choice, given the difficulty of finding a really dry cava in Canuckistan.


  1. Succeeded in finding a dry Cava, and the recipe was a triumph. See the next post for a post-mortem, but the short form is the salmon, though cheapish and known for being dry, was incredibly moist and not too salty at all. And dead easy.

    Comment by raincoaster — June 29, 2013 @ 9:02 pm

  2. Oh, and note to self: when the Brits say “coarse salt” they don’t mean it. Apparently nobody there ever has to de-ice a sidewalk. Mine ended up looking like it had spent some time on the top of Mount Everest, with patchy coverage. Delicious though.

    Comment by raincoaster — July 6, 2013 @ 11:00 pm

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