Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

May 7, 2011

Pickman’s Sampler

Filed under: American Food,candy,Chocolate,Emetic — raincoaster @ 1:48 am

You, loyal readers, know how I am. Servicey. So when I saw the following cri de coeur on Twitter I knew I had to help.

Sorry, no cubular ice cream, but I DO have some non-Euclidean chocolates!

Pickmans Sampler: an unspeakable horror in every box!

Pickmans Sampler: an unspeakable horror in every box!

Think about it: doesn’t this explain That One Chocolate in every assortment that seems to have been puked up straight from the mouth of Hell?


  1. The Cthulhu-Vitamin – the OTHER Vitamin C

    Comment by archiearchive — May 7, 2011 @ 2:18 am

  2. I picked the round, dark chocolate from the recognizably cylindrical compartment in the vacuum-drawn plastic tray, bit gently into it and …. EAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHUGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!

    Comment by Frontier Former Editor — May 7, 2011 @ 7:34 am

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