Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

July 23, 2010

Hey y’all, snack on this (and fast)

Filed under: Dessert,New Product — Katie R. @ 7:00 am

For those who didn’t grow up in the Carolinas, I’d like to introduce you to two sweet southern delicacies –

The first you’ve probably seen around, as in the last ten years, this fine, fragile flower of southern femininity blossomed from a small town girl, born and bred in Winston Salem, North Carolina, to a true big city gal.

photo, Scott Ableman

I’m talking, of course, about Miss Krispy Kreme.

You may not, however, have met this fella –

photo, r_bowley

Cheerwine, an obscenely saccharine, cherry flavored soda, from Salisbury, NC.

In a match made in Dixie heaven, the two paired for a limited run and have been gettin’ on like a house afire, selling out around the Carolinas.

photo, John Rottet, News & Observer

Classic glazed KKs, filled with Cheerwine cream and topped with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. Mmmm mmmm.

Well folks, there’s only one week left to sample the product of this sweet, sweet marriage. So get those big wheels a turnin’ and head down to the southland.


  1. Yummy!

    Comment by LaLarson — July 23, 2010 @ 3:37 pm

  2. CHEERwine. I had one yesterday. Not recommended.

    Comment by ABCD — July 24, 2010 @ 1:04 pm

  3. *sigh* Yankees will never understand.

    Comment by Victor — July 29, 2010 @ 6:09 pm

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