Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

July 6, 2013

Stop the Presses: NIGELLA IS FREE!!!1!

Filed under: Celebrity,Chefs,Food Porn,Foodies — raincoaster @ 10:49 pm
Nigella wins her freedom AND Breast Supporting Dress

Nigella wins her freedom AND Breast Supporting Dress

Gentlemen, start your saucepans: Nigella Lawson and her complete enema of a billionaire are getting a Dee-Vorse! Here’s his whole snively, double-talking, non-apology statement. Nigella is too busy fielding calls from Prince Hot Ginge and George Clooney to be bothered issuing a statement.

Charles Saatchi statement

The next time this guy goes in for a heart transplant, let’s try to make sure he gets one, okay?

And I’m giving this the Food Porn tag because a) I know some degenerate out there is going to fap to it and b) well, two more reasons, scroll up.

Happy Caturday!

Filed under: American Food,Breakfast,Food Porn — raincoaster @ 3:48 am
pancake cat goes om nom nom

pancake cat goes om nom nom

Yessss!!! pancake cat can has pancake!!!!1!

Yessss!!! pancake cat can has pancake!!!!1!

Go, little comrade! Liberate teh pankakez in teh name of Teh Peepl!

June 23, 2013

Sunday Food Porn: Lox Edition

Filed under: Appetizers,Fish,Food Porn — raincoaster @ 7:27 pm
Salmon lox

Salmon lox

This reminds me of Oscar Wilde’s saying, “I have simple tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.” And gives me an idea for my dinner party tomorrow, which was to have been a picnic until Zeus heard about it and sent in the clouds.

June 16, 2013

Sunday Food Porn: Italian Seafood Spread Edition

Filed under: Fish,Food Porn,Italian food,Shellfish — raincoaster @ 9:59 pm

Feast your eyes on this!

Italian Seafood Spread from Osteria di Brera in Milan

Italian Seafood Spread from Osteria di Brera in Milan

I’m using this pic as inspiration, as tomorrow I’m hosting a dinner party with an Italian theme. And as readers of this blog know, I am no cook. Hell, after 13 years of living in Chinatown where I can get dim sum for $2 a plate and cooked shrimp for $5 a pound, I’m lucky I can even remember how to turn on the stove. I’ll be attempting a puttanesca sauce, which even a lug like me can get right, and if that fails I’ll be attempting to get my guests drunk on Negronis prior to the main course. Antipasti, puttanesca, chopped salad, and cannoli with perhaps a sorbetto for dessert. And lots and lots of wine. Wish me luck!

January 6, 2013

Sunday Food Porn: Italian Rose edition

Filed under: Food Porn — raincoaster @ 11:25 pm
Rose in Aspic by Tim Walker for Vogue Italia

Rose in Aspic by Tim Walker for Vogue Italia

As with much of the great Food Porn, I’m not sure how this would taste (although if the aspic were made with a decent and flavorful dry white wine, it could be very nice) but that’s not really the point of this category, is it?

December 10, 2012

Sunday Food Porn: Puppy Edition

Filed under: Food Porn,Scotch,Spirits — raincoaster @ 2:59 am
Johnny Walker Puppies

Johnny Walker Puppies

Oh, this is going to be ugly tomorrow morning. Passed-out drunk on cheap blended Scotch is no way to go through life, son.

I aughtta know!

October 28, 2012

Sunday Pre-Halloween Food Porn: Frankenweenie Edition!

Filed under: Baking,Food Porn,Holidays — raincoaster @ 6:48 pm
frankenweenie cake

frankenweenie cake

Now THAT is a good use of Photoshop! Click the image to get to the step by step decoration instructions. To take all the colour out of your world, simply turn emo.

October 21, 2012

Sunday Food Porn: Blow Up

Filed under: Food Porn,Playing with food — raincoaster @ 7:45 pm

This awesome photoset comes to you via Tumblr (so if it goes bye-bye blame them) and it features the work of Alan Sailer, a California photog who has the radical specialization of “exploding food.”

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