Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving, Yankistan!

Filed under: American Food,Celebrity,Holidays,Playing with food,Turkey — raincoaster @ 2:39 am

From me up in Canuckistan and Gary Oldman back in Blighty, I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with love, happiness, family, friends, pumpkin pie, turkey, stuffing, and definitely none of that sweet potato pie/casserole crap, which is just what Southerners have instead of decent carbohydrates.

November 27, 2013

Turkey a la Kardashian

Filed under: American Food,Celebrity,Emetic,Holidays,Poultry,Turkey — raincoaster @ 6:22 am
Turkey a la Kardashian; it's all natural! We swear!

Turkey a la Kardashian; it’s all natural! We swear!

Unlike the Kardashians themselves, Turkey a la Kardashian is at least comprised of biodegradeable materials. And it’s not high maintenance: a couple of lemons under the skin is as spicy as this dish likes to get! Five minutes and you’re good to go, although we understand certain chefs may prefer to spend a lot more time with the butter and the spice rub.

Then of course there is this season’s biggest hit, the Twerky. (more…)

November 19, 2013

Great Moments in Cinema: Vincent Price vs Peter Lorre

Filed under: Celebrity,Food Fights,Playing with food,Wine — raincoaster @ 1:25 am

Peter Lorre was in so many great films that I sometimes forget he did a lot of B work too. This is some of his most fun, playing a No Fucks Left to Give drunkard against Vincent Price as a prissy, ostentatious wine snob in a Roger Corman’s Tales of Terror. I don’t know about the wine, but the performances are delicious.


November 18, 2013

Wedge Issue

Filed under: American Food,Celebrity,Emetic,Food Porn — raincoaster @ 7:49 pm

Martha, Martha, Martha! First of all, as Jezebel rightly points out, your phone photos of food are even worse than my own, and constitute an aid to the burgeoning anorexia movement.

Secondly, that is way, way too much dressing.

Thirdly, wedge salad is crap. There, I said it. Sometimes you feel like crap, okay? I get that. I’ve been there. But nobody should be expected to pay for this crap; certainly not the $5 and up you’ll see it priced at (I once saw wedge salad at $14, but the place went out of business shortly thereafter). There’s no amount of pinky-beige dressing that makes it okay to charge for 25 cents worth of iceberg lettuce that can’t even be thoroughly washed because you won’t take it apart. You want to feel nostalgic for “old diner food?” Go to an old diner, m’kay? They wouldn’t dare charge you for this.

And if someone presented this to a hungover me at brunch, what do you think would happen? EH? Well, the plate wouldn’t look any different afterward, and that’s a fact. The nastiest practical joke I ever heard consisted of someone filling an airplane sick bag with Thousand Island Dressing and pulling it out when the plane hit turbulence, to retch ostentatiously in it before spilling it all over the aisle. Yes, vomiting is contagious, in case you were wondering.

That’s probably the REAL reason you can’t take more than 100ml of liquid on a plane any more.

Meanwhile, at the cool kids’ table:



October 17, 2013

Great Canadian Cookery with Grizelda the Ghastly Gourmet

Filed under: Canadian Food,Celebrity,Chefs,Holidays,Playing with food — raincoaster @ 3:49 am

Grizelda the Ghastly Gourmet

Grizelda the Ghastly Gourmet

It’s time for a little Hamiltonian Halloween spice for the season.

Sometimes people ask me how I turned out this way. The Hilarious House of Frightenstein is a large part of the answer. This deranged Goth fantasy was what passed for educational children’s programming in Canada back in the 70’s, and it was unspeakably brilliant. All of my mental warpage I owe to it. You haven’t seen camp until you’ve seen Billy Van dressed as a hag who thinks she’s Goldie Hawn, hosting a cooking show.

You will see that now.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the very definition of CANNOT BE UNSEEN. And is it just me, or do the mannerisms recall an otherworldly Rachael Ray? To say nothing of the recipes.

July 6, 2013

Sunday Food Porn: the Diddlebock Cocktail

Filed under: Bar,Celebrity,Cocktails,Food Porn,Historical,Philosophy,Spirits — raincoaster @ 11:27 pm


The Diddlebock Cocktail was created during perhaps the greatest bar scene ever filmed, a ten minute scene in the deliriously wacky 1947 Harold Lloyd flick The Sin Of Harold Diddlebock (that sin was drunkeness, it goes without saying or would, if I weren’t paid by the word). You can read a review of it here. Poor, straightlaced Harold has lost his job and his love and his purpose in life, and he is being led by his new pal the racetrack tout to an underground bar to have his first sip of the sweet nectar. The bartender is a poet at heart, who is inspired to new heights of achievement by the special occasion. This man is an epicurean of everclear, a De Sade of spirits, a Byron of booze.

The ingredients include vodka, crushed ice, astrology, corn liquor, and a breathtaking alcoholic erudition. It would be the greatest of all possible birthday presents (other than Julian Assange with a bow around his neck) for someone to present me with one of these. Pour yourself the beverage of your choice and settle in for ten minutes of glory.

“It has always seemed to me that a cocktail should approach us on tiptoe, like a young girl whose first appeal is innocence.” Magic.

Apparently, as far as Google and I can find, nobody has ever attempted to reconstruct a Diddlebock Cocktail in real life.

Challenge Accepted

Challenge Accepted

Stop the Presses: NIGELLA IS FREE!!!1!

Filed under: Celebrity,Chefs,Food Porn,Foodies — raincoaster @ 10:49 pm
Nigella wins her freedom AND Breast Supporting Dress

Nigella wins her freedom AND Breast Supporting Dress

Gentlemen, start your saucepans: Nigella Lawson and her complete enema of a billionaire are getting a Dee-Vorse! Here’s his whole snively, double-talking, non-apology statement. Nigella is too busy fielding calls from Prince Hot Ginge and George Clooney to be bothered issuing a statement.

Charles Saatchi statement

The next time this guy goes in for a heart transplant, let’s try to make sure he gets one, okay?

And I’m giving this the Food Porn tag because a) I know some degenerate out there is going to fap to it and b) well, two more reasons, scroll up.

June 7, 2013

The Cheese Stands Alone

Filed under: American Food,Celebrity,Cheese — raincoaster @ 2:12 am
Paris Stilton

Paris Stilton

Lock up your heirs! It’s Paris Stilton!

Funny, I’d have lost a bet about the specific geolocation of the cheese. Sorry about spoiling your next casserole.

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