Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

April 8, 2012

Sunday Food Porn: Bacon Sammich Edition

Filed under: American Food,Bacon,Food Porn,Sandwiches — raincoaster @ 11:28 pm


This looks like the BLT to end all BLTs, and it looks bloody good to someone not too recently off a hunger strike.

December 5, 2011

Oh Little Lard of Bethlehem

Filed under: Bacon,Holidays,Meat,Playing with food — raincoaster @ 11:33 pm
OH Little Lard of Bethlehem

OH Little Lard of Bethlehem

That’s not kosher!

May 11, 2011

Bacon-y Night!

Filed under: Art,Bacon,Food Porn,Playing with food,Pork — raincoaster @ 9:16 pm
Bacony Night

Bacony Night

We’re all about the various interpretations of Van Gogh lately, god knows why. But we are. While we’re on the topic of the fine art of Baconation, here are a few other images that you might enjoy:


May 1, 2011

Sunday Food Porn: Happy May Day!

Filed under: Bacon,Dog food,Food Porn — raincoaster @ 4:11 pm
Bacon and Pugs and somewhere a metaphor for capitalism

Bacon and Pugs and somewhere a metaphor for capitalism

Happy May Day! Hope everyone enjoyed the special day of veneration for the noble tradition of labour!

November 14, 2010

Paula Deen’s Stoner Burger

Filed under: American Food,Bacon,Celebrity,Chefs,Emetic,Meat,Television — raincoaster @ 1:18 am

Paula Deen's Keyboard, y'all!

Paula Deen, in case you’ve been living under a rock, is a cook of exaggerated Southernosity, one whose veins run with clarified butter instead of icky old blood like regular people.

Since we featured Poutine, the Great Canadian Hangover Cure the other day, I thought we might as well feature the American equivalent, so here is Paula Deen and her guest making and consuming a donut bacon egg burger.

Seriously, how stoned are they?
paula deen reacts to the donut burger

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November 12, 2010

Canadian Cooking with Reed Farrington

Filed under: Bacon,Canadian Food,Cheese,Chefs,Emetic,Recipes,Sandwiches — raincoaster @ 11:38 am

You people think you have the Sandra Lee thang all to yourselves, but the truth is, she’s simply one iteration of a worldwide plague; why, we even have one up here in Canuckistan!

Here is renowned “celebrity chef” (look, it’s Canada. In the US, celebrities need crowd control; in Canada, they need nametags) Reed Farrington (as portrayed by Gerry Eng), personifying the Canadian can-do spirit, combining three packaged convenience foods into one mouth-watering national classic dish: POUTINE!

Or, as he calls it, Poo-teen. I’ve never seen it eaten with chopsticks before, but hey, it’s a nice multicultural touch.

Cooking With Gerry – Episode #2: Poutine from Jay Cheel on Vimeo.

In fact, it doesn’t really matter what quality of components you use; the result always turns into a soggy, cholesterol-laden heart attack on a plate, rich in what hangover sufferers call “Vitamin G.” Here’s the recipe, for those of you who are not video-positive:

  • Make some fries. Or reheat some fries.
  • Make some gravy. Beef gravy ONLY, people; beef gravy is a food, chicken gravy is just a condiment.
  • Put some farmer’s cheese (cheese curds) over the fries, then put the gravy over the whole mess.

If this isn’t enough to clog your arteries, poutine (pronounced “p’TIN” with a contemptuous expression {as are all Quebecois words, actually}) is an essential ingredient in the Angry French Canadian Sandwich:

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November 7, 2010

Which would you rather?

Filed under: Bacon,Dieting,Meat,Pork,vegetables — raincoaster @ 11:48 pm

Celery pills, because who wants to EAT the damn stuff?

30 days’s worth of celery pills for the sake of your cartilage OR
Wanton pork! Come up and soo-ey me some time!

Be honest. Who doesn’t like a good wanton pork now and again?

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November 1, 2010

The Gourmet’s Companion

Filed under: Bacon,Holidays,Meat,Picnic,Take Out — raincoaster @ 5:11 pm

Now that import restrictions are so … restrictive, one must resort to creative ways of getting one’s most precious items across borders.

Is that a Bratwurst in your suitcase or are you just happy to see me?

Is that a Bratwurst in your suitcase or are you just happy to see me?

You can just put the laptop into the checked luggage, but don’t let THIS baby out of your sight. You know what they say: keep your friends close, and your andouille closer.

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