Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

May 11, 2011

Bacon-y Night!

Filed under: Art,Bacon,Food Porn,Playing with food,Pork — raincoaster @ 9:16 pm
Bacony Night

Bacony Night

We’re all about the various interpretations of Van Gogh lately, god knows why. But we are. While we’re on the topic of the fine art of Baconation, here are a few other images that you might enjoy:

Willy Wonkas Bacon Factory

Willy Wonkas Bacon Factory

Victoria Reynolds Couchon Verni only $6,000

Victoria Reynolds Couchon Verni only $6,000

I would TOTALLY buy that. And hang it in the hallway on the way to the bathroom. Just above this:

Bacon Chair, The Poltrana Sculpture, 2006

Bacon Chair, The Poltrana Sculpture, 2006

and sip from this:

Bacon Teacup from Meat after Meat Joy

Bacon Teacup from Meat after Meat Joy

while contemplating this:

Francis Bacon paints bacon. Too meta?

Francis Bacon paints bacon. Too meta?

Bacon. on bacon.

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