Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

November 22, 2010

A Steep Learning Curve

Filed under: Tea — raincoaster @ 2:24 pm

Make Tea Not Love
Can you ever get enough posts about the world’s greatest vegetable-based beverage? No, no you cannot; not when they come with steampunk rap videos!

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  1. Three Points:

    1. Excellent Video – good find.
    2. I hate tea – love coffee. I spit on King George III.
    3. I would not go along with your characterization of this as Steampunk. More of kind of a period piece, as it were. Historical fiction or MC Black Adder, perhaps.

    Comment by Erik Nabler — November 22, 2010 @ 7:44 pm

  2. I remain unclear why my comments get deleted while spambots and spam pingbacks get left up.

    Comment by Erik Nabler — November 23, 2010 @ 11:54 am

  3. No idea. At least your third comment went straight to Approved. I fished out your other two.

    1 thanks
    2 BITE YOUR TONGUE! You need a spanking and a cup of good Assam.
    3 I’m going to stick with Steampunk. Scratching on the Victrola? Besides, most if not all steampunk nowadays is half-assed. It’s no Geiger musical number, but then, since Dark City, what is?

    I would buy the HELL out of an MC BlackAdder album.

    Comment by raincoaster — November 24, 2010 @ 6:15 am

  4. Thanks for digging the comment out. Much appreciated. We will agree to disagree with the steampunk characterization. Mc BlackAdder would be awesome, if I had talent I would do it. “I have a clever rap that cannot fail.”

    Comment by Erik Nabler — November 24, 2010 @ 1:15 pm

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