Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

November 27, 2013

Turkey a la Kardashian

Filed under: American Food,Celebrity,Emetic,Holidays,Poultry,Turkey — raincoaster @ 6:22 am
Turkey a la Kardashian; it's all natural! We swear!

Turkey a la Kardashian; it’s all natural! We swear!

Unlike the Kardashians themselves, Turkey a la Kardashian is at least comprised of biodegradeable materials. And it’s not high maintenance: a couple of lemons under the skin is as spicy as this dish likes to get! Five minutes and you’re good to go, although we understand certain chefs may prefer to spend a lot more time with the butter and the spice rub.

Then of course there is this season’s biggest hit, the Twerky.

Miley Twerky

Miley Twerky

Now THAT is food porn.

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