Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

November 10, 2010

This takes the cake

Filed under: American Food,Cookbooks,Holidays,Philosophy,Poultry — raincoaster @ 6:57 pm

Let us give thanks your aunt with the fondness for aspic castles never heard of this

This is weirdly brilliant, in the way turducken is weirdly brilliant. It’s nice to see some respectful innovation around traditional holiday meals, while still putting a kooky, 21st-Century, I-wouldn’t-do-it-but-Reddit-will-go-apeshit-for-it slant on things.

This is nothing less than a Thanksgiving cake made out of ground turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and yams, and frosted with mashed potatoes. Here’s your recipe, don’t all click at once!

Before you laugh, remember the hottest item in the gourmet’s arsenal over the past few years has been flavoured foam. We are obviously cooking in the time of Surrealism, and this is a perfect, and not difficult, iteration of the meme. And think about it; this would be darn tasty. It’s basically just a vertical, poultry-based Shepherd’s Pie, and who doesn’t love Shepherd’s Pie?

The Surreal Gourmet

via MercuryPDX, KindaFabulous, and Carlovely

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  1. Curious you should mention deconstruction immediately after mentioning shepherd’s pie. My favorite brewpub has a deconstructed shepherd’s pie on their menu. It’s not quite as satisfying as a real one.

    Comment by Victor — November 12, 2010 @ 8:21 am

  2. Deconstructed as in meat loaf with mashed potatoes on the side? No, that wouldn’t be as much fun as this.

    Comment by raincoaster — November 12, 2010 @ 12:46 pm

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