Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

April 25, 2006

The Second Golden Age

Filed under: Japanese Food,Shellfish — Manolo the Shoeblogger @ 10:51 pm

Manolo says, the Times of the New York, they are catching onto something that Manolo has recognized for many years now, that the oyster has at last returned!

“We’re in a time comparable to the 1880’s and 90’s now,” said Mark Kurlansky, the author of the recent “The Big Oyster” , who took part in the Seattle conference. “It’s a kind of second Golden Age of the oyster.”

And what is there not to love about the Golden Age of the Oyster?

Look below, even the Belgian chefs agree; good oysters are worth the eating, even 50 meters above the ground.

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