Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

June 15, 2011

The Daiquiri for the Fourth of July!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Manolo the Shoeblogger @ 10:39 am

The good peoples at the Bacardi Daiquiri have asked the Manolo to say the few carefully chosen words about how to properly enjoy the Fourth Day of July.
George Washington Wishes You the Merry Fourh of July
To be sweet and to be short, the best way to celebrate this auspicious Day of Independence is with the good friends, the grilled food, the refreshing drinks, and things that explode.

This is the ancient prescription for happiness laid down by our American ancestors many generations in the past. Indeed, we are told that in 1778, in the midst of the Revolutionary War, the General George Washington celebrated the Fourth of July with artillery salutes and the issuance to his soldiers of the double ration of rum, i.e. exploding things and rum!

And now the Manolo asks you, what better way to take your rum than in the form of the daiquiri?

“But, Manolo,” you are perhaps saying, “the daiquiri was not invented in 1778!”

To which the Manolo replies, “ORLY?”

Perhaps you have not heard of the colonial era drink known as the “rum shrub“, the essential parts of which were rum, lime juice, and sugar.

What is the daiquiri if not the refined version of the rum shrub?

Lime juice, sugar, and rum, shaken together and poured into the frosty glass. So cool and refreshing, tart and sweet, but not cloying. The perfect drink for the hot summer’s day of celebration, and approved of by George Washington himself!

The Manolo urges you to rediscover the daiquiri for the Fourth of July: Bacardi Hand-Shaken Daiquiri!

P.S. This summer, rediscover the daiquiri. Bacardi Hand Shaken Daiquiri is the perfect addition to any summer get-together — fun, delicious, and ready to pour. Bacardi Hand Shaken Daiquiri is made with Bacardi Superior Rum, tangy lime and sugar. It is a perfectly balanced cocktail that is not too sour and not too sweet.

P.P.S. Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and compensation was provided by Bacardi via Glam Media

P.P.P.S. The opinions expressed herein are those of the Manolo and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Bacardi

P.P.P.P.S. Please drink responsibly.

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