Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

June 21, 2006

Ryo Takes the Cake

Filed under: Celebrity,Chocolate,Japanese Food — Mr. Henry @ 7:10 pm

At his opening party, Ryo Toyonaga posed with a cake perfectly crafted in imitation of his sculpture on display at Charles Cowles Gallery.

The photo is by the celebrated downtown chronicler Roxanne Lowit. The cake is by the Leonardo of desserts Sylvia Weinstock.

As a rule, Mr. Henry does not approve of foods that cause confusion. The very mention of fusion cuisine makes him reach for his pastry gun. This cake, however, was a masterpiece of tromp l’oeil.


  1. I.. I don’t know what to say to this. Do I betray my provinciality, & admit I know nothing of this man & his sculptures? Or, do I google, and still say that the cake, although a magnificent example of, um, art, still gives me the whim-whams?

    Comment by Kourtney — June 26, 2006 @ 3:32 pm

  2. Great looking cake – hard to tell from the photo if it mimicks the sculptures that well. At the gallery (I went during the show – almost by accident) I was overwhelmed by the creative and avant-garde work. Toyonaga has a strong style and an obviulsy unusual take on life. My hat is off to him and Charles Cowles for having the foresight to showcase him for the rest of us. Kourtney should have gone, she’d know this is not an artist to be trifled with!

    Comment by Muriel Kole — July 6, 2006 @ 12:02 pm

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