Delicious, delicious brownies…
Whoops! Not that kind of Brownie!
I’m talking about the delicious, fudgey treats that I spent most of yesterday baking.
Moist, melt-in-your-mouth, bittersweet chocolate brownies.
One thing that interests me about brownies is how versatile they are. You can go old school classic with bittersweet chocolate and nuts like these:
The recipe (and more luscious, porny pics) can be found at Baked The ones I made were actually fairly similar, but sans nuts. They’re being offered in exchange for donations at the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in my hometown this weekend. I love the idea of using chocolate to fight cancer.
As I was saying before I so rudely interrupted myself, brownies can be done in dozens – nay, scores! – of different ways. You can use milk chocolate instead of dark, add pecans or walnuts, make them fudgier or cakier, make them more like cheesecake in texture and then stud them with Snickers bars, use white chocolate alone or in tandem with milk or bittersweet chocolate, frost them and decorate with sprinkles:
like these ones from She Knows, or even completely ditch chocolate completely and make them with apples!
Me? I’ll stick to bittersweet chocolate, and I’m easygoing as to the nut question. I like nuts in my brownies, but I’ll be perfectly content to eat one without the contrasting flavor and texture of nuts. I prefer them without icing, but have been quite cheerful to eat them with, when there has been no other option.
The one thing I’m fairly adamant about is the fact that I am not ready to try cheese and potato brownies. Just… no.