Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

March 2, 2011

I scream

Filed under: American Food,Dessert,Emetic,English food,Ice cream — raincoaster @ 7:43 am
Does their milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?

Does their milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?

It is with sadness (for we always enjoy having one more ridonkulous thing in the world upon which to snark) that we note that health concerns have turned off the tap on Baby Gaga, the ice cream made from human breast milk. It seems dairy livestock need to be raised in accordance with certain conditions which the new mothers of London were not as a rule encountering in their own lifestyles.

The late lamented publicity magnet was offered at London ice creamateria The Icecreamists for a cool £14 a serving; a serving which was delivered to you by a waitress dressed up as, yes, Lady Gaga. Apparently, it tasted like vanilla. And desperation.

We much prefer the new (and, yes, real) Ben & Jerry’s Late Night Snack ice cream, another vanilla variant, this one with salty caramel swirl and fudge covered potato chip clusters. All that’s missing is the salsa and it’s a late night meal in a carton!

Late Night Ice Cream: Beer and/or pot not included

Late Night Ice Cream: Beer and/or pot not included

Apparently Jimmy Fallon is involved in the product, but presumably not as a “donor.”

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