Nobody in Ethiopia or France, that’s who.
July 26, 2013
Who says food’s not IMPORTANT?
July 6, 2013
Stop the Presses: NIGELLA IS FREE!!!1!
Gentlemen, start your saucepans: Nigella Lawson and her complete enema of a billionaire are getting a Dee-Vorse! Here’s his whole snively, double-talking, non-apology statement. Nigella is too busy fielding calls from Prince Hot Ginge and George Clooney to be bothered issuing a statement.
And I’m giving this the Food Porn tag because a) I know some degenerate out there is going to fap to it and b) well, two more reasons, scroll up.
August 22, 2012
GPOY: Learning to cook
June 3, 2012
May 15, 2012
Serious Foodie is Serious
Reminds me of a fellow I met a few years ago who wanted to open a roadside restaurant featuring two items: food, and drink. Take it or leave it. Yeah, a lot of those dotcom guys lost a lot of money in VERY creative ways.
May 13, 2012
Foodie Follies: Geography Fail
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So here I am, watching the Food Network Chopped All Stars and I find myself (not alone) irritated by Chef Penny, the self-described Persian Princess. But I’m not irritated with her because she’s a bitch (that would be hypocritical of me). I’m irritated with her because she’s either stupid or ignorant of the most basic geographic facts; these would be annoying enough, but she is also ostentatiously pretentious about mistakes these failings lead her to make.
No, Penny. You may not “bring Middle Eastern flavours” to the table with your Moroccan spice mix. You were born and raised in California; had you actually lived in the Middle East, you would perhaps be aware that it is about two thousand miles east of Morocco.
Now go tell half the menu writers in the world.