Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

August 19, 2013

French Trim Rib Roast of Beef

Filed under: English food,Meat — Jason @ 8:02 pm

French Trim Rib Roast of Beef

Few people hold French cuisine in higher esteem than I do, and yet I have to confess that I’ve never really understood the purpose of French trimming a beef rib roast. I think it’s supposed to be about presentation, a line of thinking that says that having the rib bones exposed makes it look better. (Image above courtesy of Country Valley Foods.)

I don’t see it. To my mind, few things look as good as a traditional English, standing rib roast, brought to the table, browned and dripping juices, looking like the most delicious and primal food imaginable. The rib roast is like a roast turkey, it’s one of those festive, presentation dishes that needs little to make it work other than a sure hand in the kitchen, someone who knows how to season properly, and how to get the timing right.

The point of roast meat, be it a leg of lamb, a turkey, a suckling pig, or a rib roast, is that simple, honest presentation reflects good-tasting, wholesome food.. Good meat is one of those things that speaks for itself, in terms of deliciousness and looks. Don’t tart your roast pig like a fancy lad, just Score his skin, put an apple in the mouth, and roast him to golden brown perfection.

This is one area where English butchers have it all over their French counterparts. No fancy French tricks can compare to the Roast Beef of England.

August 18, 2012

Epic Tea Time with Alan Rickman

Filed under: English food,Tea — raincoaster @ 10:35 pm

Alan Fucking Rickman is the great unrequited (as far as we’re aware) crush of the pre-Assange-era. And here he is being fierce for an unrelenting seven minutes, eight seconds. Tea is something the Brits take VERY seriously.

August 4, 2012

Don’t Trifle with Trifle

Filed under: Dessert,English food — raincoaster @ 8:47 pm
a Trifle British

a Trifle British

Yes, in honour of the Olympics it’s an All-British weekend here at Manolofood. The thing I love about a really good Trifle is… well, the things I like are how it helps you use up the butt-end of a cake that nobody wants to kill off, the fact it has fruit in it so you can pretend it has vitamins, the fact it has booze, and the fact that it doesn’t have any cloying icing roses.

Some use ladyfingers, some use jellyrolls, some use poundcake, some use Angelfood, but basically all you need for a trifle is cake, custard, jam or fruit, and some kind of booze. Here’s a nice roundup of Top Trifle recipes.

August 3, 2012

DangleBoris Tea

Filed under: Celebrity,English food,Tea — raincoaster @ 8:00 pm
Dangleboris tea

Dangleboris tea

I know I’ve done a Dangleboris everywhere lately, but it’s addictive! And hell, some people have always thought he was a bit of a dip.

April 21, 2012

Tea Time Rap

Filed under: English food,Listening to,Tea,Uncategorized — raincoaster @ 8:33 pm
Make Tea Not Love

Make Tea Not Love

T r srs bns.

Just ask Doc Brown, British rapper after our own heart. Rage is fundamental to rap, and this man connects to it in a powerful way, letting it out in a stream of impassioned poetry dedicated to that greatest of beverages: TEA, motherfucker!

Which reminds us of that great classic, the UK Narnia Rap with its great chorus.

By the way, Doc Brown’s rant about the milk in first deserves some explication. “Milk in first” is a coded class signifier, meaning downmarket, low-class, tacky. Where does this come from? Why, I’m glad you asked. It comes from the fact that in the old days, poor people couldn’t afford the freshest milk, and if you put milk-that-is-going-but-not-quite-sour-yet into a cup of hot liquid, what you get is cottage cheese floaties. If you put the same milk in an empty cup and add hot water, stirring the whole time, the milk does not curdle. Handy to know when you have a) some iffy milk and b) no witnesses.

And now, to conclude our lesson on the Greatest of Beverages for this afternoon, I present to you a little ditty that was presented to me on Twitter, in response to a cri de coer from moi upon sipping my first good cup of tea in AGES. Thanks, Blenz, for some really good English Breakfast and thanks to the author, whose name has been lost in the mists of time. If it’s you, @ me or comment, so I can give credit where credit is due.!/raincoaster/statuses/174392798408224768

April 2, 2012

Portrait of the Breakfast Food as an English Gentleman

Filed under: American Food,Breakfast,English food — raincoaster @ 7:49 am
That's SIR English Muffin to you

That's SIR English Muffin to you

March 31, 2012

Cooking with Celebrities: Benedict Cumberbatch

Filed under: Asian Food,Breakfast,Celebrity,English food — raincoaster @ 7:10 am
Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch

This is a bit of a twofer: you get Eggs Parsi with Benedict Cumberbatch, you also get Alan Rickman by proxy.

November 7, 2011

The Toast to Toast

Filed under: Bread,Breakfast,English food — Manolo the Shoeblogger @ 1:49 pm

The Toast to Toast!

Manolo says, in the autumn, the middle aged man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of toast.
Gone now is the summer of our grapefruit halves, sprinkled with sugar, replaced by toast

All hail toast!

The miraculous transformation of that holiest of foods, bread, into the perfect synthesis of homey tastes, the essential conveyance of butter, or jams, or honey, or if one is ambitious, perhaps the scrap of soft boiled egg.

Toast! The English vice!

“Village life makes stale bread so common that toasting has become a national habit restricted to the British Isles and those countries which have been colonized by Britain.” – H. D. Renner, The Origin of Food Habits

Of the course, as we all know that the Battle of Waterloo was won on the toasting forks of Eton?

“It isn’t only fictional heroes to whom toast means home and comfort. It is related of the Duke of Wellington – I believe by Lord Ellesmere – that when he landed at Dover in 1814, after six years’ absence from England, the first order he gave at the Ship Inn was for an unlimited supply of buttered toast.” – Elizabeth David, English Bread and Yeast Cookery

Did the Manolo say toasting forks?

We modern have advanced into the present blessed with the electronic 4 slice toaster. Two for me, and two for thee, dear breakfast friend!

So, lift your cup to toast! Humble, yet divine. Simple, yet delicious.

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