Manolo's Food Blog Manolo Loves the Food!

December 17, 2010

All I want for Christmas is…

Filed under: appliances,Holidays,New Product,Wine — raincoaster @ 12:48 am


Bosch IXO Vino Cordless Lithium-Ion Screwdriver with Corkscrew Attachment

The Bosch IXO Vino Cordless Lithium-Ion Screwdriver with Corkscrew Attachment. Have you ever lived through the very special Hell of having been stuck house-sitting in the house of talented and prolific winemakers? Talented and prolific winemakers, I should add, whose house has a fully stocked cellar, a hot tub, wraparound views, a fridge specially stocked with treats chosen just for you, and a fireplace?

And, apparently, not. one. freaking. corkscrew.

I tried the shoe-banging method. I tried the push-the-cork-down method. I finally tried the put a long screw in the cork and pull it out with pliers method. But this handly little gadget would have saved me a great deal of stress as well as looking innocuous and coming in handy every time I buy something from Ikea.

The Shoe-Banging Method, for those of you who are unfamiliar with it because you are not French and Desperate:

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  1. Not since one of my first boyfriends opened a bottle of beer for me with his teeth have I been so impressed with the liquor-opening prowess of a man. The shoe-banging wine-uncorking miracle method: God bless the French!

    Comment by Anita — December 17, 2010 @ 12:59 am

  2. Dang. Wish I had known that years ago. How many bottles have I opened by shoving the cork into the bottle? Way too many.

    Comment by Erik Nabler — December 17, 2010 @ 2:00 am

  3. What’s mortifying is, I couldn’t get the damn cork to go into the bottle. Stupid synthetic cork just took all the blunt object pushing I could give it and popped right back into shape.

    Comment by raincoaster — December 17, 2010 @ 2:54 am

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